Location: United States

eh, you know me...

Friday, May 12, 2006

my addled brain

well it's the night before the last night i will have my computer. and my bag is mostly packed...minus a few essentials for the four days before travel.
the beauty of blogs is that it's like i am talking to everyone, and yet no one, the same time. random. anyway.
i'm not sure i have interesting or profound things to say tonight. most of the things that come to mind would probably best go unspoken. here, that is.
i'm not sure how i did it in highschool. the last four days i have had to get up kind of early. like two of them were truly early, and the other two, i am a pansy. but then i every night i don't get to sleep before 2 or 3(my fault). and it is KILLING me. like, i am officially an old person. after shopping with my mom today for things i needed, i wandered around the parking lot looking for my car for like, 10 minutes. no joke. i was so baffled. so when my mom offers to drive me around the parking lot to look for it, not 5 seconds later, do we pass it on the left, in fairly plain view. i think i've lost my marbles. and i'm not sure if it's a good thing to be so tired BEFORE traveling and adjusting and culture shocking, or if it is not so bad because i'll be tired and confused in a few days anyway. either way, if you are the praying sort, i would not mind a few sent my way.
and the cycle perpetuates. i must get in the shower before going to sleep and waking up around 5 or 6 to go back to athens for my sister's graduation. yeah for her! ok off to get squeaky clean!...


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