Location: United States

eh, you know me...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

the blush

what is with the blogging in pairs? geez, who does that...
so the time is QUICKLY approaching when i shall board a plane and fly away from here. far away. and tomorrow i am meeting...let's least 5 people to say hello and catch up and say goodbye. crazy stuff. moved out of the brums today for good. again, crazy stuff. life has been full of some crazy stuff lately. perhaps too much to explain. and certainly too long for right now. but maybe one of these days i can articulate my thoughts well enough to put them down.
had a very funny conversation about kissing tonight. with a friend. she makes me laugh. another thing...what exactly triggers blushing? i mean, it's so terrible and embarassing. or maybe you blush because you're embarassed, and then are embarassed because you blushed, and it's a vicious cycle, spiraling downward in social skills. whoever wrote in those fairy tales and love storie that ' the deeper her blush, the more beautiful she became...' yeah, well, they are full of crap. there is nothing attractive about a red face and social awkwardness. the day some guy declares that 'it all started when you stammered and stuttered with incomplete sentences and a flaming face...'well. that will be the day. and what is with those people who see it and intentionally draw attention to it, therefore making it one hundred times worse? (yes, exactly one hundred times worse) i can't say anything. i have been that person before. and i'm sure i will be again. just a small venting session because i hate when i blush. which makes me a small pansy. oh well. can't win em all. (what?) time for bed. Jesus keep fighting for my heart. for it to be wholly and completely Yours. tear away my cynicism and coverings, and become my defender and strength.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I just realized that I can comment on your oh so insightful blogging--im glad i make you laugh little spit!! You make me laugh too...through my craziness!! I mean last night was almost as fun as the time that I almost had my first kiss!!

9:41 PM  

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