Lessons Learned...and Forgotten
looked through some old journals yesterday. It is so weird and interesting to me that while I look back and see how I've grown and changed, I also can look back and realize I've forgotten things I learned and am not as passionate in certain ways or areas. How humbling. We truly never stop growing, and no matter how much we grow there are things that we have to remember and re-learn. It's also been rather interesting and encouraging to realize how much I can learn from everyone. EVERYONE. As humans, we all reflect a unique bit of light from our Father--believer or not. So in my pursuit of God, it is imperative that I seek and find Him in everyone and everything around me. Or at least beg of Him to reveal Himself so I can glimpse Him. All of that means that every person you and I see, talk with, interact with--stranger, friend, annoyance, loved one--has the stamp of the Creator. We are often told that in reference to ourselves, and it is so true, but it is true looking out too. We can see a glimpse of Jesus' eyes sometimes simply by looking into theirs. I've been realizing this with people I love lately...just looking at how they have taught me to love different facets of God and His people. I mean, I'm still pretty shabby at keeping my eyes open, but I'm glad the light bulb is on, at least.
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