mind games
i really hate how obsessed with appearance our culture is. and i really hate how i get wrapped up in it. just 5 more lbs...just get that jacket or those shoes. if we go down that road, it never really ends and we are never really satisfied. sometimes i really don't like the fact that i long to be beautiful. i mean, honestly, i feel kind of like a girly, prissy, pathetic girl even saying it. but the irony of it all is that's how i was made to be. what my heart longs for is to reflect an aspect of our Creator's heart...the relational, beautiful, captivating side. i really hate how in spite of the fact the culture demands us to be beautiful, and, in short, physically flawless, it makes me cringe to admit i care. i feel girly if i cry. like somehow that's a bad thing. seeing as i am a girl, you'd think it would be ok, but no. i'm just weird like that. anyway. Satan is messing with my mind, and i don't like it one bit. Jesus, for Your glory and in Your name i ask You to take captive every thought and kick out the ones that don't belong. Come rule my mind with Life and Peace. thank You for Your words over me..."all beautiful you are, my darling; there is no flaw in you" (SoS 4:7) . let me live like i'm loved-- confident, radiant, and free.
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