Location: United States

eh, you know me...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


do you ever have those moments where all of a sudden things aren't so solid and you're not sure if what you've been seeing or thinking is the way things really are? not so much in a God kind of way, but in a me kind of way...maybe that's the problem. tonight, after hearing this guy speak, i sat there, and i was that me? am i trying to hide and be perfect behind a facade put up for the world to see? just the other day 2 of my best friends and i were talking, and i was asking them about my weaknesses. i concluded that because of my personality and the nature of them, most people don't see them, but oh, are they there. something makes me think that i am not seeing the whole picture...i don't know the depths of my own heart, and i feel like there's some glaring sin that isn't in my line of vision...but until i see it i can't turn around and surrender it for Christ to transform. kind of frustrating. anyway.
Spirit, shine down on my me my heart and all my hidden motives...uproot my pride it has no place in me.


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