Location: United States

eh, you know me...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Display Case

An object on display
too fragile to touch; too valuable
to handle

Standing behing glass
streaked with prints from
reaching out

admired, talked of, praised
from a distance

a broken vessel set apart to fight,
instead set aside as a perfect portrait

no chance to let reality sink in
no chance to love and be loved
in all its intended beauty among imperfection

or have i simply missed it?

somehow use this, my heart's desire, for Yours
somehow multiply strength by inability
somehow rip away facades, real or perceived

as i clutch my bleeding heart, may the balm You spread
reach the hearts You would have me hold
shatter the glass as You extend my hand
cause eyes, hands, and hearts to gaze upwards no matter my stand


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